Announcing our 7th Wonder of the World Tour to…

Machu Picchu

BraveHearts Adventure to Machu Picchu will happen on the dates of November 6th through the 12th, 2022.  We will be staying in the Sacred Valley of the Incas at the Catalina Retreat Center in Pisac. Enjoy the magic and enchantment of Machu Picchu ---Declared a Peruvian Historic Sanctuary in 1981 and a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983. In 2007, Machu Picchu was voted one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

7 Day, Six Night BraveHearts Adventure through Sacred Peru

Cusco - Lima - Sacred Valley- Pisac -Ollantayambo - Aguas Calientes - Machu Picchu - Cusco - Lima 

Heal your heart, purify your spirit, and discover YOU!  Peru is a unique South American country with a diverse and vibrant living spiritual tradition. It is a bioenergetic center of great magnetic power that possesses a powerful healing effect and provides the visitor strength of mind. Supernatural and spirituality are also reflected in the divine Peruvian nature. The Old Peruvians cherished a divine respect towards the mountains, water, and earth. The people of this land are generous and open in the sharing of their spiritual knowledge, experience, and connection.

Adventure Schedule

Oh, The Places We’ll Go

Here's some of what we have to look forward to together over the course of this great adventure.

Join others on a spiritual journey that offers you the opportunity to step out of your world and experience a land where you will have the opportunity to delve into the mystery of who you are and return to your world a changed person.
The tour includes Ceremonies with Shamans who are believed to be the last direct decedents of the Inca and are “wisdom keepers” of Incan cosmology. Participate in the life changing healing ceremonies with Shamans who work with sacred plant medicines, which support you to delve into the mystery of who you are. You will also have the opportunity to experience ceremonies in ancient power places connecting to the energy and gifts these places hold for us and the planet.

EXLORE THE HISTORY-- Experience one of history’s greatest empires and follow in the footsteps of the Incas, as you explore the most exclusive places of power and ceremony. Get close up and feel the sensation and closeness to another era. Learn the cosmology, the science, the history, the social order and the stories of the Incas. Discover the harmony and balance that characterized their way of life and world view.  Appreciate the wisdom of these remarkable people.

THE CULTURAL EXPLORATIONS: Meet and develop personal connections with the "Quechua people" who draw strength from an enduring belief in the power of the mother earth, “Pachamama” and the "Apus Mountains” to meet the challenges of each day.

UNIQUE TRAVEL EXPERIENCE: This journey and experience will not only nourish you but will also expand your horizon as you step into the Inca world, away from the modern-day life. Encounter and open up to the possibilities of what the world can be for you as well as what you can for the world. Use the fresh perspectives and insights from your experience in Peru as a new beginning to kick-start changes you may want to make in your life!
Day 1: Lima / Cusco / Pisac
Plan to arrive in Cusco no earlier than 11 am.  Cusco is considered a sacred city and is the center of the Incan Empire. We will all be picked up together and driven to Pisac in the Sacred Valley where the Catalina Center is located.

The rest of the day is free to relax, meet with others on the journey, and explore Catalina, Centro de Amor, Paz Y Tranquilidad.
Day 2: Catalina Retreat Center (Pisac)

Experience stunning views from Catalina Retreat Center and have the choice to learn about plant medicine or other special programs. For those that are interested in plant medicine, you will meet with one of the foremost authorities and shamans of the plant medicine San Pedro or “Wachuma”. You will be walked through of internal celebration self-discovery and love. 

The plant shows us where we hold our negativity in our bodies, where it came from, and then shows us what we SHOULD have learned from that experience. Once we see that, we release the negativity in our bodies, and we feel really clean and light afterwards, and we can think of that same experience afterwards, and we can give thanks for the teachings we received. It teaches us that NO experience is a bad experience, IF we learn from it.
In the same way, it shows us our thought patterns, and teaches us that every illness we have, is NOT because of bad luck, but because of the way we think. It teaches us to stop and recognize HOW we think, and change our thoughts, into positive ones. This is how we clean our bodies from all illness…is by cleaning our minds. The medicine has produced many miracles, people being cured of cancer, and all sorts of illnesses, just by them drinking this sacred plant.
The plant shows us too, that we are all children of the Light; we are all precious and special. It teaches us to see the divine within us, and to hold the divine light within us
We also use this plant to reconnect to the earth. In this experience, we realize that there is NO separation between you, me, the earth, and the sky. We are all ONE. It’s one thing to read but to experience this oneness is one of the most beautiful gifts we can receive. The plant also teaches us to live in this world in balance and harmony, it teaches us compassion and understanding, and shows us clearly to love, respect and honor all things.

Day 3 **Machu Picchu** Aguas Calientes

We will travel by train this morning to the village of Aguas Calientes. On arrival we will, visit the famous city of Machu Picchu, also named as the Crystal City, the Rainbow City, the City of the Condor and the Hummingbird, the City of Peace, and the City of Light. 

The legendary beauty of this magnificent village defines an ancient city of ascended masters. Feel the energies while exploring of the three sacred beings on the Inca trinity: CONDOR, ruler of the realm of spirit. PUMA, ruler of the realm of physical manifestation and AMARU the sacred serpent, ruler of the realm of the psyche, death & rebirth. 

 There are many trails and power sites to explore, and we will have the opportunity to open to a deeper experience of the intrinsic magic of this amazing city. You will get time to spend alone in spiritual ceremony to enhance your connection with your divine self, a transpersonal transformational journey into the inner path to gain confidence in your unique purpose.
Then we will take a bus up to the entry of Machu Picchu and see explore the Inca Ruins.
Day 4: Explore Pisac

We will spend the day climbing the Pisac ruins which are Peru’s most intact ancient sites, and a perfect example of indigenous Inca architecture. They are built on top of a mountain that towers over the small town of Pisac; the views of the countryside are spectacular, and the ruins and their makers are remarkable.

We will be led by a very informed guide to share with us the culture if the Incas. At some point on our journey we will have time for meditation and ceremony to connect to this incredible site. We will then make our way back town into the beautiful town of Pisac for a late lunch and deep conversations about our learnings!
Day 5: Indigenous Community Day

One of the incredible things about Pisac that is a hidden gem, is the 12 indigenous communities that live the in the mountains above Pisac. Over the last few months, we here at Catalina have forged relationships with 7 of these communities. These are Chahuaytire, Pampallacta, Paru Paru, Amaru, Viacha Ampay and Qotataqui. 

On this day and evening we will spend time in one or two of these communities, learning about their culture. How they live, celebrate, and eat. We will learn about their agriculture, the staple of these communities the over 1700 different kinds of potatoes. They will also demonstrate how they take the wool of the Alpaca and how they create the permanent colors, like from the famous Cochinilla bug that lives on the cactus of the Andes and the process of making the beautiful textiles by hand they are famous for. We will dance with them and come away with a very deep sense of the how these indigenous people, who are the descendants of the Incas have shaped the Sacred Valley and Pisac.
Day 6 Open Day/Shopping Day

We will spend the morning connecting to each other’s stories and lessons learned. The rest of the day will be free for you to finish any shopping in Pisac for souvenirs you still need to purchase or just take in a local coffee café and relax before your long trip back home the next day.

Day 7: Departure Day

Spend the day exploring Cusco on your own. Fly today to Lima where you will connect with an international flight home.

More about Cusco and Lima:

Cuzco (also Cusco or Qosqo) was the religious and administrative capital of the Inca Empire which flourished in ancient Peru between c. 1400 and 1534 CE. The Incas controlled territory from Quito to Santiago, making theirs the largest empire ever seen in the Americas and the largest in the world at that time. Cuzco, which had a population of up to 150,000 at its peak, was laid out in the form of a puma and was dominated by fine buildings and palaces, the richest of all being the sacred gold-covered and emerald-studded Coricancha complex which included a temple to the Inca sun god Inti. Cuzco is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

Cusco in Mythology:
In mythology the Inca race was created by the great god Viracocha who caused them to be born from the sun god Inti. The first eight Incas were thus born at Tiwanaku or, in an alternative version, they emerged from the sacred Pacaritambo cave, and then they migrated down to the Cuzco valley. Led by Manco Capac (or Manko Qhapaq) and Mama Ocllo, the group fulfilled the earlier prophecy whereby they should settle where their golden staff could be easily driven into the ground. Before the Incas could prosper, though, they first had to defeat their local rivals, the Chanca, a feat they achieved with the help of stone giants, the Pururaucas. This event did have a basis in reality, as the Incas did indeed defeat the Chanca in 1438 CE. Thus the Inca capital was established. The name Cuzco may derive from either Gosqo, meaning 'dried-up lake bed' or Cozco, a particular stone marker in the city.

More about Lima:
In Lima everything is in endless movement, and even the past is constantly being rediscovered. Lima offers an extraordinary range of emotions, sensations, colors and flavors: travelers can visit the city’s impressive cathedral, fly over the ocean, enjoy a photogenic sunset, or savor unmatched cuisine.

Lima is a place of converging trends, created by its people and their living culture, where you will find every corner of Peru represented. Lima, filled with colonial-era riches, is the only capital in South America that faces the sea, and it is hailed as the gastronomic capital of Latin America.

Unique Adventure with Like-Minded Thought Leaders

Something magical happens when open-hearted explorers embark on BraveHearts Adventures together. These Vacations with Purpose inspire mind expanding discussions regarding spiritual matters, personal responsibility, and creating our own realities. Dreams and challenges are shared, illumination is sparked and lives are changed. Calm your mind and excite your soul as you learn about and experience the Sacred Inca Traditions.

 Connect One-On-One with Brian and Daniel

Brian and Daniel are part of the adventure in every way that you are. Whether we’re climbing a mountain, riding a train, eating at a local restaurant, or participating in events with locals, they are part of the action, accessible and available to talk with you.

Participate in Daily Excursions and Awesome Connections

One of the highlights of our adventure will be the daily gatherings with Brian and Daniel. During these casual, unplugged meditations and gatherings, Daniel will share material from his best selling "Radical Mindfulness" book and workshop while Brian will keep you entertained with his lighthearted nature and wisdom from his upcoming book "Permission to Have a Great Life" .

Enjoy the Peruvian Adventure of a Life-Time while helping Families win the battle with Childhood Cancer.

BraveHearts Adventures helps support Clean Water, Empowered Girls, Children's Health, and Spiritual Connectedness Initiatives Worldwide.  This trip is dedicated to BraveHearts for Kids, a National Pediatric Cancer Charity supporting families touch by Pediatric Cancer. 100% of the net proceeds from this Adventure will go to BraveHearts for Kids. To learn more about the cause and and free services, please visit:

Where We're Staying

Catalina is a private center designed for retreats created and delivered by Maestro Daniel Gutierrez with other private groups from around the world. The center is a place dedicated to profound transmutation, contemplation, and reflection. Offering accommodations for up to 30 people in private rooms with ensuite bathrooms. Enjoy a standalone reception area with a fireplace, a restaurant, Chapel, massage therapy space, yoga shala and corporate center.

Catlina Retreat Center

Location: Catalina Retreat Center is located in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, just outside the artisan village of Pisac, Peru. It's about a 20 min walk to town or a maximum S/5.00- $1.47 taxi ride. Catalina is 45 min from the Cusco airport and 1 ½ hour from the train station in Ollantaytambo.

We are nicely situated between both male and female mountain energy. We sit at the base of Apu Linley and across Apu Nuesta. Also, we are aligned along the sacred Wilcamayo (now known as Vilcanota River) which flows in front of Catalina. We are truly at a place to explore and receive all the energy and blessings that Pachamama has to offer.

Weather: The Andes have two seasons: wet and dry. It rarely rains between April to November. This period also comprises of endless sunshine and offer an even better view of the rugged mountain peaks against a bright blue sky. During the middle of December to March, showers and temperatures can drop when the sun disappears behind the clouds, and as you reach higher altitudes. The only month that is not advisable for travel to Catalina is February due to heavy rains. Catalina is closed during the whole month of February.

What Retreat Visitors Are Saying

Hear from like minded travelers as to why this trip is truly life-changing!

Here’s What This Trip Includes

Most Accommodation Costs

Amazing Meals

Local Immersion Experiences

Daily Meditations and Gatherings

One-on-One Time with Brian and Daniel

Lifelong Friendships


  • Transfers to and from Cusco Airport - The Cusco Airport code is CUZ, participants must arrive in Cusco around 11 am and 1 pm. If they arrive early, they can take a taxi for about 18.00 or 60 soles to Pisac or directly to the center. Travelers will be picked up all at one time and brought back to the airport on Saturday.
  • Andean breakfast every day which consists of local bread, cheese, ham, eggs, fresh juices, coffee and tea
  • Travel to Machu Picchu - Van, Bus, Entry tickets and Train tickets
  • ​All travel to and from Sacred Valley Sites, when part of the schedule.
  • ​Accommodations - based on double occupancy. ​All other rooms have two double beds, except 2 three bed suites which have three twins. All rooms have a private bathroom with a shower and hot water.  ​All rooms have a private bathroom with a shower and hot water.


  • Beautifully situated on a large gated property nestled up against the scared Mount Linly
  • ​Yoga Center
  • A look out, posited above Catalina on Mt Linly for morning and evening mediations, breakfast, lunch and dinners.
  • Dedicated Wi-Fi on the entire property
  • ​Beautiful flower garden for mediation
  • Massage center
  • ​Restaurant
  • ​Conference center
  • ​62 miles from the sacred village of Pisaq and Pisaq ruins
  • ​45 min taxi ride from Cusco
  • Outside oven and sitting area for outside meeting or dining
  • ​Outside Firepit
  • ​Swimming Pool
  • ​Chapel
  • ​1-acre Garden for fresh vegetables
  • ​Coming soon in 2021 – Sauna and Gym


  • Flights to and from your city or country of origin. All Travel must go through Lima International Airport
  • Off-Site or Special Meal Requests
  • Plant Medicine - there is a $130.00 USD per person fee to participate in this ceremony
  • ​Tour guides at sites like Machu Picchu
  • Alcohol
  • ​Two-day 21.00 USD Tourist ticket to Visit - Pisac village, Pisac Ruins, Chinchero, Ollantaytambo and Maras and Moray
  • ​Any sites and programs not listed in this program

Unknowable Pandemics, Covid-19 or Variants

A lot of folks may be wondering how a continued or new Pandemic may affects your trip with us. Given the Pandemic/COVID + Variants situation is fluctuating, here are some extra considerations to ponder before committing to this adventure:
The groups safety as well as the people we will come in contact with on our Adventure is our number one priority.  
Therefore, depending upon how events play out between now and our departure, it’s possible that airlines, hotels, and/or vendors of choice, or even the governments of Peru or the USA, may require proof of vaccination to travel. 
On the other hand, if this does not happen, then please be aware, we may have attendees who choose not to be vaccinated. 
As of this time, none of this is pre-knowable. Therefore, we suggest, if you want to maximize chances of traveling with this group, based on parameters we have no control over, it is advisable that you receive your COVID vaccine well before travel.

Refunds related to trip changes caused by Pandemics, Covid-19 or Variants

If, prior to our departure, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, or WHO, or the Peruvian government advises travelers to avoid non-essential travel, to avoid gatherings of 50 or more people, or to shelter in place/stay at home as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic (and such notice covers our event dates), you will receive a 100% refund of whatever you have paid.
In the unlikely event that such advisories are issued after departure but before you return home, all costs incurred to shorten or lengthen our adventure to remain compliant (such as testing, masks, quarantine, meals, hotel stays, transportation, or the like), will be each traveler’s responsibility.
Regardless of the above, any COVID tests travelers may be required to take before, during, or after our trip, as well as any unforeseen COVID related expenses incurred for any reason, will be at the traveler’s expense.
If non-essential travel continues to be allowed to Peru during our travel dates, but you decide not to travel for any reason after making payments, you will be responsible for all cancellation charges – please see our refund policy in the FAQ section below..

Adventure Cost 


If you’d like to be matched with a roommate, let us know. We’ll be happy to pair you with someone awesome!

A $500.00 per person non-refundable deposit is due at the time of registration.  Please note, the deposit is refundable under some unforeseen conditions (See Pandemics, COVID-19 or Varriants, 

Contact Us

Hey all! I’m Brian Reinbold coordinating our inaugural BraveHearts Adventure to Machu Picchu Peru for you.  Through the entire adventure, I'll be right there with you in the action. I would LOVE to hear from you. Please reach out to me with any questions. Myself or a member of my team will reply soon. - Be Well!  Brian

Meet The Crew

Brian Reinbold

aka "The Mission Specialist"

Brian often says, "I don't fly the rockets, I jut help make sure the mission gets accomplished". He is at his best when he is helping others to become their best. He is the eternal optimist, an enlightening and uplifting speaker, and a community builder who inspires people in all walks of life to rise and meet their challenges through the service of others. With his innovative approach to leadership development, soothing voice, engaging sense of humor, passion for mentoring, and ability to harness the power of analogy to create the aha moment, Brian invites you to dream bigger, accomplish more, and have more fun than you ever thought possible.

Brian is the architect of a successful career that spans business ownership, consulting, coaching, sales management, sales training, philanthropy, professional speaking, and broadcasting, As the host of the BraveHearts Radio Show on Voice America Internet Radio, he is taking the thought leadership conversation to the next level, providing an outlet for experts to broaden their reach and find a target audience. As the Mission Specialist, he is elevating the profile of BraveHearts for Kids, a charity organization that supports the needs of pediatric cancer patients and their families.

What differentiates Brian is his lifetime of experience, strong commitment to excellence, youthful exuberance, and presence of mind. He brings a natural flair for facilitative leadership, always looking for opportunities to serve humanity. To Brian, age is not a number; rather, it is an expression of ideals. He is deeply philosophical and mindful of what he calls “the wheel of abundance,” espousing the belief that doing good anywhere does good everywhere.

Daniel Gutierrez

aka "The Master of Mindfulness"

Once a high-powered executive and in-demand consultant who graced the covers of Latin Business, Cypen and Color Magazines, Daniel Gutierrez realized that there was more to success than a 7-figure earning potential. As President of PRIMER, a prestigious national leadership organization and an advisor to the Department of White House Personnel for the Obama Administration, Daniel was a highly regarded and deeply revered leader. Though Daniel was listed as one of the “Top 100 Hispanics in America” along Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, actor Edward James Olmos, and CNN’s Soledad O’Brien, something was still missing.

To find fulfilment, Daniel decided to dedicate the next chapter of his life to becoming a Master of Mindfulness. During the past 10 years, he has led quests to the heights of the Machu Picchu, the depths of the Amazon and the top of the Himalayas. After the boardroom, now Daniel has been guiding entrepreneurs and corporate executives in deep dive mindfulness immersions. Though mindfulness is a lifelong practice, Daniel has become known for giving life altering strategies in as little as 60 seconds. When facing extreme pressure, executives go from high-strung to highly productive. Daniel has even turned Wall Street cubicles from a place of stress to pads of serenity.
A beloved mentor and sought-after motivational speaker, Daniel was featured in the documentary Luminous World Views as one of eighteen world-renowned transformational thought-leaders.

In November 2018 Daniel appeared as a special guest for renowned teacher, Michel Pascal on one of the biggest stages in the world, Carnegie Hall in New York City. He addressed a sold-out crowd with musical support from Earth Wind and Fire, Madonna and Michael Jackson’s best musicians. He is a bestselling author, who is excited to release his fifth book, Radical Mindfulness.

BraveHearts Adventures - Vacations with Purpose

Hosted by Brian Reinbold: [Phone 312-753-8200] [Email:]

2021 ©BraveHearts Adventures, All rights reserved.

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